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Showing posts from July, 2004
Awwwww. That's cute! 

Ebay Brute Squad

Why the hell is it so hard to get people to behave themselves these days? I remember a time when if you were to bid on an eBay auction, perchance win the auction, and were you to write the seller a message, that person MIGHT respond. I just won a little shortwave radio on eBay (a birthday present from my in-laws). Just to get the guy to respond to my mails I had to nearly threaten him! This happened last time with my ego enlarging white Sony headphones (don’t ask, it’s an iPod thing). The auction says "Contact us if you haven’t received your item in one week". Ok, it’s been a week, where’s my stuff? Response: "It was sent yesterday. Tracking e-mail sent to your ebay address." Crapola! I have LOGS of my mail you jackass. No mail. No way. Needless to say, my mails for the tracking number have fallen on deaf ears. Word to the wise, nothing personal, but keep you’re bidding on stuff located IN the US. Makes life a lot easier

The Dad Sacrifice

So I made a big (for me) sacrifice this weekend. My oldest daughter was in need of her own room (toybox). My wife asked and with NO HESITATION I chose to give up my office. So now, my computers and whatnot are in the living room. It’s not that bad, really, but getting the network going again was a pain. Those little “Ethernet to wireless” bridges really aren’t that great. But close enough for government work. I will post a pic or two later this week. Athen really does like her room. And she deserves it.

The Ortega Family

The Ortega Family Happy 7th of July! I know, I know I'm late as usual! There are a BUNCH of new pictures in the galleries. I am really proud of the fireworks shots. Some are pretty cool, I think. Everyone had a good time at Athen's party, espically Athen.

The Ortega Family Galleries Are Online!

The Ortega Family This is the link for the new galleries. I have spent some time working on them and now they are complete. Most of the good old stuff has been moved over. I will post the twins stuff shortly. Please keep in mind that there are three levels to each picuture. The thumbnail, the medium size and the final large (original) size. Click on the thumbnail and then the medium size to get the full size picutre. Dial-up users: The large size picutre has the best quality but will take a long time to download. The medium size picture will give good 4x6 prints. Right click on the pictures and select "Save Picture As.." to get a copy. You can also request the full size picture from me. I can send CDs out if necessary (i.e. you want a lot of the full size pictures)