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Showing posts from 2008

Don't Vote

Everyone knows that I am a conservative. I believe in conservative values and ideas. I don't hate liberals, I just beg to differ. I am enclosing a video I think people need to watch. Even though I have strong feelings about the things that the people in this video are staying, I still think it's worth posting.

Breezy Point 2008 Pictures Up!

I know that it has been a while since we got back from Minnesota and that I am usually uch better about posting pics. It's been a rough week! The girls have been in various states of sickness with Athen being the worst of the three. The air conditioner in the house broke down. Good news: Athen is on the mend and the 'good cleaning' that the air conditioner was given has breathed into it new life. The house was actually 73 degrees today. Amazing. Anyway, the newest collection is here Talk to you guys later!

A Neat GPS Tool

I found this tool to convert Google Map driving directions to GPX format for upload to a GPS. Very slick. I will trying this on on our trip next week.

Now, THAT'S a slip'n'slide!

I belive it's not not working!

I don't even know if this is going to work or not, but I haven't been blogging because blogger wasn't publishing correctly. I made one TINY change and the last batch seemed to have worked. Anyway. checkout the video of Athen's cheer camp performance.