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Showing posts from January, 2005

What Happen?

So you’ve probably noticed that the site has been going up and down for the past week. That was due to a bad chassis fan and power supply in the existing unit. The bad hardware has been replaced and the site should now be stable. Until the new stuff fails. Maybe then I’ll start paying for hosting. Maybe not. Mail is still being hosted over at . Thanks Fagan! If the box goes nuts again, mail will still keep flowing. If the new box is stable I will swing mail back over to . Things are going well here. We are adjusting to life in South Dakota and doing well. Having a warmer than normal winter is a bummer but we’ll get by. There are pictures of a big snow storm over at the Gallery . On a side note, you should get into podcasting . I own a 3G iPod, but now you can use any portable media player (or no portable device at all). You should get an iPod. As usual write me and let me know what going on with you. E