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Showing posts from August, 2005
Katrina Making Waves 

What's It like Outside, Part Deux

So I realized that I needed to start another blog (that no one will read either) for my weather fixiation. I guess that means that I need a real photo blog, rather than using this one for that purposes... Anwway, Eric's Weather Blog (boring name, I know) is where I will be posting random stuff related to weather. I will also post a page with current weather stats, with focus on the upper midwest. There's even a site feed .

"You have every form of communication known to man and I still can get ahold of you!"

Or so says Brian Solano. I received that voice mail about 10 years ago after a friend called my home phone, my pager (I'm dating myself here), and my cell phone with no luck. It seems that in this age of instant communication and rapid fire messaging we have as much trouble connecting as ever. So with that in mind I offer the following additional methods for contacting me: Free World Dialup: 288701 Skype: ericortega Gizmo: 7476086268 Or if you don't mind paying for some LD charges you can call 360-968-1809. It's a Washington state number but it gets forwarded to my Free World Dialup (FWD) SIP phone. So there you have it. Now you and anyone else can hit me up. And goodnight Mr. Solano, wherever you are.